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Prayer: Responsive prayer - God who brought light
Prayer: Responsive prayer - God who brought light
by Marjorie Dobson
God, who brought light from darkness, we bring before you those who need new light in their lives. We remember those who live in deep sorrow, through bereavement, depression, illness, family breakdown, or abuse. Into their darkness, bring your light. We remember those who have lo…
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayers for the Emergency Services
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayers for the Emergency Services
by SPCK - Ian Black
Four prayers for the Emergency Services - Police, Ambulance, Fire & Rescue and RNLI Surround with your protection, O Lord, all members of the police as they protect our communities. Defend them that they may always act justly; when force is necessary... Lord Jesus Christ, friend …
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Devotional Prayers (1)
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Devotional Prayers (1)
by SPCK - Ian Black
A collection of devotional prayers including Stir Us O God, Pilgrims of Earth, Like Children, and Five Senses. Stir us, O God, with your vibrant desire. Move us, O God, to work for your justice. Inspire us, O God, to active service... Give us the eyes of a child, O God, to deligh…
All Desires Known - Christ Our Brother Collect
All Desires Known - Christ Our Brother Collect
by SPCK - Janet Morley
CHRIST OUR BROTHER Collect Luke 2.15–21; Galatians 3.28 Christ our brother, in you there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither male nor female... Christmas 1 (B); Proper 7 (C); Holy Name (ABC); Birth of John the Baptist (ABC) Taken from All Desires Known by Janet Morley Published b…
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - That They May Be One
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - That They May Be One
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 2 PRAYERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PRAYERS OF JESUS THAT THEY MAY BE ONE John 17: 20-26 This afternoon I looked on the Internet for a website about an electric appliance that’s gone wrong. I’ve lost the instruction booklet and was hoping to find relevant information through the …
John for Everyone part 2 - The Raising of Lazarus
John for Everyone part 2 - The Raising of Lazarus
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Raising of Lazarus John 11.38-46 We saw a programme on the television last night about the fossilized remains of what looks like an ancient race of creatures. They seem to be like humans, but much taller. They appear to have been significantly different from any monkeys or ap…
1 and 2 Kings for Everyone - A Few More
1 and 2 Kings for Everyone - A Few More
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Few More 1 Kings 8:41-66 I can still picture myself sitting in Sunday School as a little boy of nine or ten, and I can still hear the voice of the stern Sunday School superintendent exhorting us to bow our heads, put our hands together, and close our eyes to pray. I suspect I c…
clouds and glory - Bible Sunday - Year A
clouds and glory - Bible Sunday - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Bible Sunday Year A We give you thanks for Scripture writers and translators. We pray for Bible Societies, Bible study groups, theological students. We pray that your church may be true to the Scriptures, that we may find joy in proclaiming the gospel, that your word may influenc…
Clouds and Glory Year A - Proper 2 - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - Proper 2 - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Sunday between 10 and 16 February inclusive (if earlier than the Second Sunday before Lent) Deuteronomy 30. 15-20 or Ecclesiasticus 15. 15-20: Ps. 119. 1-8 : 1 Corinthians 3. 1- 9: Matthew 5. 21-37 Enfold us, Lord, in your love, surround us with your peace, encircle us with your …
Clouds and Glory Year A - Proper 3 - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - Proper 3 - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Sunday between 17 and 23 February inclusive (if earlier than the Second Sunday before Lent) Leviticus 19. 1-2, 9-18 : Ps. 119. 33-40 : 1 Corinthians 3. 10-11, 16-23 : Matthew 5. 38-48 Lord, in the clouds and darkness of this world, grant us a glimpse of your glory, that we may se…
Traces of Glory Year B - The Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day) - Year B